The Christ of the Good Death are the invocations of Christ that arise from an original carving of the crucified Christ by Pedro de Mena dated approximately 1660, and which was preserved in the Church of Santo Domingo (Malaga) until its destruction.
The town of Olula del Rio – Almeria (Spain) is linked to the Spanish legion since 1928 and every year the Viator camp detachment makes a parade through its streets.
Thanks to the great vocation of the town of Olula del Río for its Christ, the City Council decided to make a tribute in marble to the original piece carved in wood so that it permanently presides over the hermitage that bears his name.
A carving scanned with the 3D Scanning service for sculpture and executed in Blanco de Macael marble by Camar artisans to leave an indelible mark on the history of the town of Olula del Río and its people.